CLE – Anatomy of a Cyber Incident

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Do you use email and access the internet?

If so, this presentation is for you! 

Chris Watson of Cyber Collab will present “Anatomy of a Cyber Incident”.

Chris will draw upon his considerable experience working in the cyber security space to explain in real world terms the unique cyber threats facing the insurance industry, including data breaches, ransomware and business email compromise.

Using true case studies, he will provide strategies for building an effective cyber incident response plan. Relevant to lawyers, business owners, claims brokers and insurers, attendees will leave with an enhanced understanding of their organisation’s and client’s existing cyber resilience and how to better safeguard sensitive data.

Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to learn what regulatory compliance those connected to the insurance industry are bound by, practical strategies for navigating the complex cyber landscape and how to protect your organisation.

Chris Watson is the CEO of Cyber Collab. He has 25+ years’ experience preventing and responding to cyber incidents. He will share lessons learned from his career with the City of London Police, as well as from his time within risk consulting at world leading consultants such as Grant Thornton.


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