Education event: Queensland Claims Discussion Group

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QCDG – Effective Management of Mental Wellbeing – for Claims Professionals

Providing claims professionals with tools, strategies and guidance to manage physical and mental wellbeing – now and into the future.

About this Event

In the recent months our beautiful Australian landscape has copped an absolute thrashing.

In the recent months the desks, phones and email inboxes of claims professionals has also copped an absolute thrashing… and unfortunately the weather forecasts do not seem to show any sign of relief.

So how are you, and how is your team coping?

Our first session will focus on management of physical and emotional wellbeing of claims professionals during times of crisis, catastrophe and chaos. This event is targeted toward claims professionals both on the ground *and* in the office, and is not restricted to those persons involved solely with catastrophe claims. As we all know, our long-tail claims colleagues also face significant workloads and stress – they feel it too.

As claims professionals, we are often confronted with harrowing stories, upsetting imagery and witnessing disturbing losses… and all of this combined with the sheer stress of the workloads we all face, particularly in the time of catastrophe.

With the truly dreadful bushfire, flood and hail losses coming across many of our desks, our committee think it is prudent to provide our colleagues with tools and strategies to manage health and wellbeing during this time, and ongoing throughout your careers.

Guest speaker – Veronica Phillips (Certified Personal Coach | Masters in Gestalt Psychotherapy)

“I am passionate about coaching business professionals, entrepreneurs and individuals, I am inspired by outstanding leadership of every kind in personal or professional life. Working with leaders from all over the world has taught me that authentic leadership and genuine change happens when we lead from a place of profound self-awareness, intention, courage and humility. My three top values are connection, continuous learning and contribution. Radical self-care and an awareness of mental health practices is becoming part of my daily practice as I recognise the personal fallout from the stress of the high demand roles we find ourselves in today in our rapidly changing external environments.

If we want to continuously contribute at the highest level, we need to contribute to ourselves first.”

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