Ethics Trivia CLE Event

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Do you want to secure your ethics point for this CLE year?

Are you someone who knows their Australian Solicitors’ Conduct Rules backwards, and has analysed every ethical conundrum arising in Suits?

If so, come and demonstrate your ethical prowess in what promises to be a fun* lunchtime CLE – an ethics trivia competition!

Refreshing participant’s minds about the content of the ASCR, along with recent decisions and topical issues, join your hosts, Chris Doyle and Kristi Riedel, in a high stakes round of ethics trivia. Bring a team, or join one on the day – just be warned that prize(s) are at stake!                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

*The concept of ‘fun’ is wholly subjective – all that we can guarantee is that you will obtain a CLE point by attending the entire session, a free lunch and hopefully, a good laugh.


Event Details 

When:       Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 12:15pm (for a 12:30pm start) – 1:30pm

Where:      Level Twenty Seven Chambers, level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane

RSVP:        Thursday, 20 March 2025

Cost:          Free (please ‘purchase’ a ticket to secure your spot)

Presenter Bios

Chris Doyle and Kristi Riedel are barristers at Level Twenty Seven Chambers. Chris has a broad commercial practice and regularly appears in all State Courts. Chris has a particular focus in the energy and resources, and construction and property sectors.

Kristi’s practice spans all facets of insurance law. She is the LexisNexis author for the annotated Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth). She also handles employment law matters, regulatory disputes (including prosecutions) and she is a mediator.



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2025 Ethics CLE
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